SNCB station (2)
Station renovation involving canopies, tunnels and platforms
Following the completion in 2021 of the south façade and the canopy covering platforms 11 and 12 for international trains, CIT Blaton, this time in partnership with Artes, is continuing works on the station renovation, namely platforms 1 to 10. Budgeted at €101 million, the works are spread over a period of about eight years. Given the obligation to keep the station in service, the project is split into four successive phases. Between two and three tracks or platforms will be rebuilt in each phase. One phase is set to last approximately two years.
A 100m wide underpass linking both sides of the station is being constructed under the railway tracks which currently lie on an earth embankment. This underpass will house the ticketing office as well as retail units on the ground floor. A cycle tunnel is also connecting one side of the station to the other on level -1, serving bicycle parking facilities. Extensive earthworks with (permanent and temporary) jet grouting shielding are necessary to support the platforms and tracks that remain operational.
Logistics and access to the areas under construction are the main challenges. The vehicles carrying building materials and steelwork need to pass under the railway tracks and then climb up to the work area between the platforms and railway tracks in operation.