New Orban
Renovation of an office building
The New Espace Orban is characterised by the rehabilitation of three buildings into office space covering a total surface area of 17,200 m² above ground. The Department of Foreign Affairs of the European Commission houses in those buildings.
Two of the three buildings were completely emptied in order to be fully refurbished. New roughcast on insulation is applied and new window frames fitted on the façades, while new carpets, false ceilings, special techniques, partitions and paint work are planned inside.
In this project, the complexity lies in successfully adapting to changing conditions and finding solutions over time to meet the client's needs, and therefore managing to fit all these new changes into the schedules while respecting the deadline. The security of these buildings is paramount. For example, the façade must be able to withstand an explosion, whose nature cannot however be defined, which makes it difficult to find the suitable solution rapidly.